I just knew that underneath that rough, post-modern exterior lurked a heart of gold! And yes, I have discovered it when reading Ch.9 of Beach. An entire chapter on media literacy and nary a word suggesting the concept of media-created realities. Dr. Beach you have won my respect and loyalty! Seriously--I really did enjoy reading Ch. 9 because it focus on my original concept of media literacy, i.e. the ability to understand, analyze and make informed decisions--personal and political--that are thrown at us every day from any number of sources. In addition, there were some great ideas for putting that into practice in my classroom.
One complaint this week's reading's however--and I think Beach might agree--let's not forget that even those cross-curriculum concepts we consider to be "fact," are also not without bias. I think this actually strengthens the argument for using film in the classroom because it does allow for different interpretations and points-of-view that what has been accepted has for so long been accepted for so long as absolute truth in our patriarchal society. Just of the top of my head comes a different view of the Civil War: Gone With the Wind, and The Wind Done Gone
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